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Our Apps


Agroid Pro GPS meter

What is it?

AgroidPro measures distances, perimeters, areas and position dispersion (metric units). Measure your outdoor areas such as lands, estate or fields. Measure distances such as fences, paths or vineyards. Remember that GPS is not suitable for indoor measurements!!


Our apps are available on the best stores

Google Play

Key features

Saving/Loading (local SD), Sharing (for printing, editing and sending Email/SMS), Satellite Map display (with GPS points/vertices/expected value/DRMS), metric and imperial units (m, km, feet, yards, miles, ha, acres, m2, km2, ft2, yd2, mi2), 3 types of maps (App Google Maps, Web Google Maps, OSM street maps), high resolution picture linking to survey points, miniatures of survey pictures on the map (App Google Maps), Average GPS (random error reduction), Position dispersion (GPS error analysis), Fine positioning of markers on Google/OSM maps.

Guide | YouTube


Agroid relies on GPS data. To achieve the best results consider the following: GPS Receiver precision (automatic check, 10 m precision default), a clear view of the sky with no obstructions from about 5 deg. elevation and up (check the GPS signal dispersion with the Position dispersion function) and least but not last use the Average GPS and Fine Positioning functions to improve accuracy!