Windows Scheduling SW
Our Target
If you are looking for a gantt with special graphic effects, you will find a wide range of solutions on the net. But, if you need a real scheduling engine, your opportunities will dramatically drop down, and our solution will shine like a diamond in the sky!
Developers: our scheduling components are suitable to build production scheduling, rosters, TV scheduling, car/room rental and many other applications!
Custom software: we engineer custom software using our experience and resources (heuristic algorithms, forward/backward scheduling, components) for specific organizations. Contact us for more information.
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Our components

Scheduler Net
What is it?
Scheduler Net (ScNet.dll) is a fully interactive Gantt chart component with an amazing scheduling engine.
It is available as a Windows Forms Component (Scnet.dll, compatible with any .NET development environment including, but not limited to, Visual Studio) or as an ActiveX Component (Scpro.ocx compatible with any development environment capable of hosting and scripting ActiveX controls including, but not limited to, Visual Basic 6.0 and Access) .
This edition has an advanced scheduling engine: the scheduler can allocate a Job list on the Gantt considering non work periods, avoiding block overlapping, according to scheduling parameters and also preserving cycle sequences.
The license includes 1 year on line service/updates and the distribution is royalty free!
Our components are available on the best stores: choose your favorite provider!
Amazon |
Key features
Forward scheduling, Sequencing, Load balancing, interactive Gantt chart, Pert chart, Gradient styles, Chart printing, HTML exporting, Gantt open/save and much more.
Scheduler Net customers can also use the Scheduler Pro Edition, which is an ActiveX component that works with any ActiveX container compatible development environment such as Access, Visual Basic 6.0 and many others.
Features |
Review |
Guide |
History |
Episode 1: resource scheduling, finite/infinite capacity, logical links and costraints.
Episode 2: load balancing algorithm in our scheduling components
Episode 3: handling dead zones and conflicts in our scheduling components
Scheduler Pro
What is it?
Scheduler Pro (ScPro.ocx) is a fully interactive Gantt chart control with an amazing scheduling engine.
It is a COM component compatible with all ActiveX containers and .NET (including but not limited to Visual Studio, VB6 and Access)
This edition has an advanced scheduling engine: the scheduler can allocate a Job list on the Gantt considering non work periods, avoiding block overlapping, according to scheduling parameters and also preserving cycle sequences.
The license includes 1 year on line service/updates and the distribution is royalty free!
Our components are available on the best stores: choose your favorite provider!
Amazon |
Key features
Forward scheduling, Sequencing, Load balancing, interactive Gantt chart, Pert chart, Gradient styles, Chart printing, HTML exporting, Gantt open/save and much more.
For advanced graphic engine, see the Scheduler Net Edition.
Features |
Review |
Guide |
History |
Episode 1: resource scheduling, finite/infinite capacity, logical links and costraints.
Episode 2: load balancing algorithm in our scheduling components
Episode 3: handling dead zones and conflicts in our scheduling components
Scheduler Lite
What is it?
Scheduler Lite (ScPro.ocx) is a fully interactive Gantt chart control with many scheduling properties.
It is a COM component compatible with all ActiveX containers and .NET (including but not limited to Visual Studio, VB6 and Access)
This edition has a basic scheduling engine: the scheduler can allocate every added Job on the Gantt with an ASAP logic considering non work periods and block overlapping
The license includes 1 year on line service/updates and the distribution is royalty free!
Our components are available on the best stores: choose your favorite provider!
Amazon |
Key features
Scheduling, interactive Gantt chart, Pert chart, Gradient styles, Chart printing, HTML exporting, Gantt open/save and much more.
For advanced scheduling engine, see the Scheduler Pro Edition.
Features |
Review |
Guide |
History |
Episode 3: handling dead zones and conflicts in our scheduling components
Scheduler Basic
What is it?
Scheduler Basic (ScPro.ocx) is a fully interactive Gantt chart control with many scheduling properties.
It is a COM component compatible with all ActiveX containers and .NET (including but not limited to Visual Studio, VB6 and Access)
This edition has a basic scheduling engine: the scheduler can allocate every added Job on the Gantt with an ASAP logic considering non work periods and block overlapping
The distribution is royalty free!
Our components are available on the best stores: choose your favorite provider!
Amazon |
Key features
Scheduling, interactive Gantt chart, Pert chart, Gradient styles, Chart printing, HTML exporting, Gantt open/save and much more.
For 1 year of on line service/updates, see the Scheduler Lite Edition.
Features |
Review |
Guide |
History |
Episode 3: handling dead zones and conflicts in our scheduling components