Scheduler Lite - Version history

July 08,2015 ver.4.0.10
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about Gantt scheduling

October 01,2014 ver.4.0.9
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about Gantt save/load 

August 29, 2014 ver.4.0.8
Fixed bugs:
- Minor issues

July 15, 2013 ver.4.0.7
Fixed bugs:
- Removal of infinite capacity bug in loading a file

June 04, 2013 ver.4.0.6
Fixed bugs:
- Minor issues

February 02, 2013 ver.4.0.5
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about TbMove function

June 15, 2012 ver.4.0.4
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about ocx container

March 7, 2012 ver.4.0.3
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about ocx refresh

February 10, 2012 ver.4.0.2
New properties:
- TbUser2: Sets or returns the tb user2 string
- TbFillColor: Sets or returns the tb fillcolor
- TbBackColor: Sets or returns the tb backcolor

January 31, 2012 ver.4.0.1
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about error trapping and scroll functions

April 7 2011 ver.4.0.0
New features:
- >>>>Fast loading of time blocks (up to 3x speed enhancement) <<<<
- >>>>Fast scheduling of time blocks (>3x speed enhancement) <<<<
- >>>>Handling of system resource errors

New properties:
- LinkMode: Sets or returns the link appearance
- ResPicture: Sets or returns the resource picture
- ResPicWidth: Sets or returns the resource picture width
- GanttBuffer: Sets the tb buffer to improve performance
- GanttRedraw: Sets the gantt redraw to improve performance

March 4, 2011 ver.3.0.23
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about Links when deleting a time block

March 1, 2011 ver.3.0.22
New method:
- TbTooltip: method for time block tooltip management 

February 2, 2011 ver.3.0.21
New actions:
- GanttPanel: action 3 (lock button disabled) and 4 (print button disabled) now available 

January 13, 2011 ver.3.0.20
New method:
- GanttPrintTxt: method for printing/exporting data in text format

December 2, 2010 ver.3.0.19
New behavior:
- GanttDropIn: method enhancement (all locked time blocks after a dropped time block are not moved)

November 10, 2010 ver.3.0.18
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about loading a saved gantt

October 21, 2010 ver.3.0.17
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about load balancing

September 25, 2010 ver.3.0.16
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about HTML file

August 23, 2010 ver.3.0.15
New methods:
- ResTop: sets the first visible resource
New properties:
- ResBackColorI: Sets or returns the backgound color of an existing time block

July 13, 2010 ver.3.0.14
New methods:
- GanttReg: runtime registring

July 6, 2010 ver.3.0.13
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about registring

March 17, 2010 ver.3.0.12
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about error trapping

February 18, 2010 ver.3.0.11
New methods:
- ResLoad: calculation of resource load in a given period

February 08, 2010 ver.3.0.10
New methods:
- ResCapacity: calculation of resource capacity in a given period

November 23, 2009 ver.3.0.9
New properties:
- TBoverlap: Sets or returns the % of duration to be considered in a predecessor (single)

July 21, 2009 ver.3.0.8
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about scheduling (start block positioning)

July 16, 2009 ver.3.0.7
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about scheduling (predecessor handling)

July 15, 2009 ver.3.0.6
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about cycles (scheduling behavior)

March 20, 2009 ver.3.0.5
New features:
- GanttLastError: extended trapping of errors in SchRun

March 04, 2009 ver.3.0.4
New properties:
- GanttGrad: Sets or returns the COLOR GRADIENT on time blocks (0 off, 1 on)
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about gantt refresh

February 19, 2009 ver.3.0.3
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about error trapping when loading time blocks

February 17, 2009 ver.3.0.2
New properties:
- GanttLastError: Returns the last error message

January 16, 2009 ver.3.0.1
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about tooltip displaying

November 20 2008 ver.3.0.0
New features:
- >>>>Fast loading of time blocks (>10x speed enhancement)<<<<
- >>>>Fast zooming of time blocks (>10x speed enhancement)<<<<
- >>>>Reduction of system resources usage (<50%)<<<<
- Enhanced Tooltip behavior (with GanttToolTip=1) 
New properties:
- GanttNoSymbol: Sets or returns the time block appearance

November 13 2008 ver.2.2.16
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about error 7 (out of memory when loading time blocks)

November 6 2008 ver.2.2.15
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about error 340 (interference between different instances)

September 12 2008 ver.2.2.14
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about unlocking licence

May 11 2008 ver.2.2.13
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about GanttDropIn
- Issues about ResEff

November 20, 2007 ver.2.2.12
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about TBResLock

October 20, 2007 ver.2.2.11
New properties:
- GanttDropIn: Sets or returns the drop behavior

October 15, 2007 ver.2.2.10
New properties:
- TBResLock: Sets or returns the timeblock locking on a resource

October 11, 2007 ver.2.2.9
New properties:
- ResEff: Sets or returns the efficency of a resource
- TBparam1: Sets or returns the a user parameter (integer)
- TBparam2: Sets or returns the a user parameter (integer)

March 7, 2007 ver.2.2.8
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about LinkAdd

September 12, 2006 ver.2.2.7
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about GanttPan

September 06, 2006 ver.2.2.6
New features:
- Automatic horizontal scrolling on time block drag & drop

September 01, 2006 ver.2.2.5
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about ScRun (multilink time blocks) 

August 29, 2006 ver.2.2.4
New properties:
- GanttOcxBackColor: Sets or returns the background color of the ocx container
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about TbRealEnd (rounding off) 

June 14, 2006 ver.2.2.3
New features:
- Frame size setting (using registry)
- Zoom speed enhancement

June 13, 2006 ver.2.2.2
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about Zooming 

June 13, 2006 ver.2.2.1
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about GanttClear (performance related)

June 05, 2006 ver.2.2.0
New features:
- Multi resource time block management
- Zoom speed enhancement
New methods:
- GanttPrintHtml: generates an HTML file with the gantt main data (list)
- GanttPrintMulti: prints the specified gantt window (graphic)
New properties:
- GanttMulti: Sets or returns the multi resource mode
- GanttDesc: Sets or returns the ScPro label
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about GanttOpen (speed enhancement and calendar presetting)

April 06, 2006 ver.2.1.0
New features:
- Load balancing on resources of the same group
New properties:
- GanttBalance: Sets or returns the balancing mode
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about ResPrimaryDur and ResSecondaryDur

March 31, 2006 ver.2.0.6
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about TabAdd on version 2.0.5

March 14, 2006 ver.2.0.5
New features:
- Finite capacity scheduling combined with infinite capacity scheduling
New properties:
- ResPrimaryDur: Sets or returns the duration of the primary setup
- ResSecondaryDur: Sets or returns the duration of the secondary setup 
- ResMode: Sets or returns the time blocks behavior on a specific resource
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about GanttMode
- Issues about GanttSave
- Issues about ToolTips

March 04, 2006 ver.2.0.4
New features:
- TbAdd speed enhancement
Fixed bugs:
- Issues about the embedded demo

December 23, 2005 ver.2.0.3
New features:
- Overall zooming/scrolling enhancement (multipage gantt) 
New properties:
- GanttFrameStart: returns the gantt visible start date
- GanttFrameEnd: returns the gantt visible end date
- GanttScrollMode: sets/returns the gantt scroll behavior
Fixed bugs:
- Possible wrong date in the calendar double click event

November 25, 2005 ver.2.0.2
New features:
- Overall graphic speed enhancement 
New properties:
- NwMode: sets/returns the non work period behavior
Fixed bugs:
- Possible slow behavior of the horizontal scroll bar

November 23, 2005 ver.2.0.1
New features:
- New Vertical scroll bar 
New methods:
- ToolTipRefresh: refreshes the text of a tooltip
New properties:
- NwBackColor: sets/returns the non work backgroung color
Fixed bugs:
- Possible wrong date in the calendar click event

October 26, 2005 ver.2.0.0 
New features:
- >>>>Forward scheduling with 5 variables<<<<
New methods:
- SchRun: runs the forward scheduling
New properties:
- SchMode: sets/returns the scheduling mode
- SchEnd: sets/returns the logic weight of the delivery date of a time block
- SchBook: sets/returns the logic weight of the booking date of a time block
- SchLevel: sets/returns the logic weight of the importance variable of a time block
- SchUrgency: sets/returns the logic weight of the urgency variable of a time block
- SchSetUp: sets/returns the logic weight of the setup variable of a time block
- TbLock: sets/returns the lock date of a time block
- TbBook: sets/returns the the booking date of a time block
- TbLevel: sets/returns the the importance level of a time block
- TbhUrgency: sets/returns the the urgency variable of a time block
- TbSetUp: sets/returns the setup code of a time block
Fixed bugs:
- Error in manual dropping of a faraway time block

September 29, 2005 ver.1.1.2 
New features:
- Description display of design time properties
New properties:
- TbRealDur: returns the real duration (in hours) of an existing time block (it includes non work period)
- TbRealEnd: returns the real end date of an existing time block (it is the visible end of an allocated time block)

September 21, 2005 ver.1.1.1 
New events:
- LinkClick: fires when a mouse click occurs in the block link
- LinkDblClick: fires when a mouse double click occurs in the block link

August 26, 2005 ver.1.1.0
New features:
- Flow chart management (Pert like logical links in the Gantt area)
New methods:
- LinkAdd: adds a link to the specified time blocks
- LinkClear: removes the links of the specified time block
- LinkHide: hides the displayed links
- LinkShow: displayes the links of the specified time block
New properties:
- GanttLink: display handling of the logical links
Fixed bugs:
- The calendar date format is now automatically set according the windows international settings

July 11, 2005 ver.1.0.9
New properties:
- GanttDayLine: enables/disables the day lines in the gantt area
- GanttDayLineColor: sets the default color of the day line in the gantt area

June 3, 2005 ver.1.0.8
New features:
- It is not anymore required to reload the control after registring.

May 27, 2005 ver.1.0.7
New properties:
- GanttResIndex: returns the resource array current index

May 16, 2005 ver.1.0.6
New methods:
- GanttOpen: opens a saved project and displays it in the gantt area
- GanttSave: saves in a specified file the current gantt project

April 30, 2005 ver.1.0.5
Updated methods:
- BarAdd: the barstyle parameter is now active (setting of the bar symbol)

April 6, 2005 ver.1.0.4
New features:
- New Horizontal scroll bar 

March 31, 2005 ver.1.0.3
New properties:
- ToolTipAfter, ToolTipBefore, ToolTipDesc, ToolTipDur, ToolTipEnd, ToolTipStart, ToolTipUser, ToolTipTitle

February 25, 2005 ver.1.0.2
Fixed bugs:
- Print error in the GanttPrint method 

February 2, 2005 ver.1.0.1
Fixed bugs:
- Error opening the About box