The Scheduler Pro
Control object routines are divided in 5
main categories:
Category |
Description |
Calendar and
non-work period (properties, methods, events) |
Gantt, panel
and overall management (properties, methods, events) |
(properties, methods, events) |
Time block,
style bars and links (properties, methods, events) |
Scheduler only in Pro Edition (properties, methods, events) |
The following
routines are used for the Calendar (and
Non-work) management in the Scheduler Pro Control object.
Sets or
returns the default backcolor of the Calendar.
[ = value ]
The CalBackcolor
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
value |
An ole color
expression of the background color |
The default
backcolor is &H00800000& (blue).
See Also
Sets or
returns the default calendar font.
ScProOCX.CalFont.Prop [ = value ]
The CalFont
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
Prop |
properties: Name, Size, Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough |
value |
A font
expression containing the default resource font parameters |
The default
font is Arial Narrow bold 8.
See Also
Sets or returns
the default forecolor of the Calendar.
[ = value ]
The CalForecolor
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
value |
An ole color
expression of the foreground color |
The default
forecolor is &HFFFFFF& (white).
See Also
Sets or
returns the default calendar style.
ScProOCX.CalStyle [ = action ]
The CalStyle
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
action |
An integer
expression that sets the calendar style. The action value is set by
adding the below numbers to get the desired behaviour. |
settings for action are:
action |
Description |
0 |
Month style
(Month, day, hour) |
1 |
Week style
(Week, weekday, hour) |
The default calendar
style is 0.
To force the
display refresh use the CalRefresh method.
See Also
Returns the
beginning date of an existing non-work period (read only property).
(index As Integer)
The NwBeg
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing non-work period. |
The beginning
date is assigned when adding a non-work
period (see NwAdd method).
See Also
Returns the
duration (in hours) of an existing non-work period (read only property).
(index As Integer)
The NwDur
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing non-work period. |
duration is assigned when adding a
non-work period (see NwAdd method).
See Also
the upper bound of the non-work array (read only property).
The NwMax
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
The lower
bound of the non-work array is 1. If the lower/upper bound is 0, the array is
See Also
NwAdd method
Returns the
resource user ID of an existing non-work period (read only property)
(index As Integer)
The NwRes
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing non-work period. |
The resource
user ID is assigned when adding a
non-work period (see NwAdd method).
See Also
Returns the
type of an existing non-work period (read only property)
(index As Integer)
The NwType
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing non-work period. |
The type is
assigned when adding a non-work period (see NwAdd method).
See Also
Returns the
user description of an existing non-work period (read only property)
(index As Integer)
The NwUser
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing non-work period. |
The user
description is assigned when adding a
non-work period (see NwAdd method).
See Also
Sets or
returns the default backcolor of the non-work period.
[ = value ]
The NwBackcolor
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
value |
An ole color
expression of the background color |
The default
backcolor is &H008080FF& (pink).
See Also
Sets or
returns how nonwork blocks are displayed .
[ = action ]
The NwMode
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
action |
An integer
expression that sets how non work periodss are displayed. The action
value is set by adding the below numbers to get the desired behaviour. |
settings for action are:
action |
Description |
0 |
Display non
work as objects |
1 |
Display non
work as background color (no events e no tooltip on non work period) |
The default action is 0. For action 1 no events are
fired in the non work period, but displaying of gantt projects is much faster
(>100x!): if you use a lot of non work periods you shoud use this option .
Remember that
it is not possible to change the action if any non work period is loaded!
Before loading
or adding a great number of non work periods you should set the control
container visible property to false (after loading set the visible property to
true) in order to achieve a better performance.
See Also
This method updates
the calendar with the specified style and forces a display refresh in the
Scheduler Pro Control object.
(MyStyle As Integer)
The CalRefresh
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
MyStyle |
An integer
expression for the calendar style |
= 1 - Refresh was successful
= 0 - Refresh failed (an error occurred while refreshing
the calstyle)
For the
MyStyles values refer to the CalStyle property.
This method
loads the specified non work period in the Scheduler Pro Control object.
(NWres As Integer, NWbeg As Date, NWdur
As Single, NWtype As Integer, NWuser As String)
The NwAdd
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
NWres |
A numeric
expression for the resource user ID |
NWbeg |
A date
expression of the non work start |
NWdur |
A single
expression for the non work duration (in hours) |
NWtype |
An integer
expression for non work type specification (0,1) |
NWuser |
A string
expression for the non work description |
> 0 - Add was successful (returns the non-work
= 0 - Add failed (an error occurred while adding
this non-work period)
If the GanttMode> 0 you have to
reload/refresh the time blocks in order to consider the new calendar.
Before loading
or adding a great number of non work periods you should set the control
container visible property to false (after loading set the visible property to
true) in order to achieve a better performance.
See Also
NwClear method, GattMode property
This method deletes
the specified existing non-work periods in the Scheduler Pro Control object .
([Index As
Integer ])
The NwClear
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
Index |
A numeric
expression for the index of the non-work array . |
> 0 - Clear was successful (returns the deleted
non-work index)
= 0 - Clear failed (an error occurred while deleting
this non-work period)
If Index=0 (or not specified) then all the
existing non-work periods are deleted.
Fires when a
mouse click occurs on the calendar.
Syntax (Visual
Private Sub ScProOCX1_CalClick (curdate as date, button
as integer )
The CalClick
event has these parts:
Part |
Description |
curdate |
A date
expression containing the date calculated in the click point |
button |
A numeric
expression for the mouse button (1 left, 2 right) |
The sequence
of ScPro Control is
See Also
Fires when a
mouse double click occurs on the calendar.
Syntax (Visual
Private Sub ScProOCX1_CalDblClick(curdate as integer)
The CalDblClick
event has these parts:
Part |
Description |
curdate |
A date
expression containing the date calculated in the double click point |
The sequence
of ScPro Control is
See Also
Fires when a
mouse click occurs on the non-work period.
Syntax (Visual
Private Sub ScProOCX1_NwClick(index as integer, button
as integer)
The NwClick
event has these parts:
Part |
Description |
index |
An integer
expression containing the non-work period index |
button |
A numeric
expression for the mouse button (1 left, 2 right) |
The sequence
of ScPro Control is
See Also
Fires when a
mouse double click occurs on the non-work period.
Syntax (Visual
Private Sub ScProOCX1_NwDblClick(index as integer)
The NwDblClick
event has these parts:
Part |
Description |
index |
An integer
expression containing the non-work period index |
The sequence
of ScPro Control is
See Also
The following
routines are used for the Gantt
management in the Scheduler Pro Control object.
Sets or
returns the backcolor of the Gantt area.
[ = value ]
The GanttBackcolor
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
value |
A numeric
expression of the background color |
The default
backcolor is &H00FFFFC0& (light blue).
See Also
Sets or
returns how to carry out the drop action on a resource (manual or automatic) .
[ = action ]
The GanttDropMode
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
action |
An integer
expression that sets how to drop a time block on a resource of the control.
The action value is set by adding the below numbers to get the desired
behaviour. |
settings for action are:
action |
Description |
0 |
resource group ID |
1 |
resource group ID |
The default action is 1.
This property
is considered by the drag&drop manual action and by the TbMove method.
If the
property is changed after moving the time blocks, you must reload the time
blocks to consider the effect of the property.
See Also
Sets or
returns the starting date of the gantt.
[ = value ]
The GanttIni
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
value |
A date
expression of the gantt starting date |
The default
starting date is the current date.
To set the
gantt time interval (number of days to consider) use the GanttWin property.
See Also
Sets or
returns the manual drag&drop enabling.
[ = action ]
The GanttLock
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
action |
An integer
expression that sets how manual drag/drop behaves |
settings for action are:
action |
Description |
0 |
manual drag&drop |
1 |
manual drag&drop (default) |
The default
value is 1 (drag&drop disabled).
See Also
Sets or
returns how all time blocks interact .
[ = action ]
The GanttMode
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
action |
An integer
expression that sets how time blocks interact on the control. The action
value is set by adding the below numbers to get the desired behaviour. |
settings for action are:
action |
Description |
0 |
Ignore block
overlapping and non-work periods |
1 |
non-work periods and ignore block overlapping |
2 |
block overlapping and ignore non-work periods |
3 |
block overlapping and non-work periods (default) |
The default action is 3. For action>0 the time block cannot be placed before the TbAva date .
For action 0 and 1 GanttPrimaryDur and GanttSecondaryDur are ignored.
If the
property is changed after adding the time blocks, you must reload the time
blocks to consider the effect of the property.
See Also
Sets or
returns the buttons panel.
[ = action ]
The GanttPanel
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
action |
An integer
expression that set how the panel is
displayed. The action value is set by adding the below numbers. |
settings for action are:
action |
Description |
0 |
invisible |
1 |
(open, save, lock, clear) disabled, (zoom in, zoom out, print) enabled |
2 |
enabled and visible (default) |
3 |
(print) disabled, (open, save, lock, clear , zoom in, zoom out) enabled |
4 |
(lock) disabled, (open, save, print, clear , zoom in, zoom out) enabled |
The default
value is 2 (Panel enabled and visible).
The buttons
open and save generate a click event.
The zoom buttons are limited to 5 zoom in clicks, and 5 zoom out clicks
See Also
GanttOpenClick event, GanntSaveClick
Sets or
returns the TimeLine behaviour.
[ = action ]
The GanttTimeLine
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
action |
An integer
expression that set the TimeLine
behavior. The action value is set by adding the below numbers |
settings for action are:
action |
Description |
0 |
Time block
allocation is possible before current TimLine (used to modify/view old
schedules) |
1 |
Time block
allocation in not possible before
current TimeLine (used to build a new schedule: default) |
The default
value is 1 (No allocation before TimeLine).
See Also
method, TbMove method
Sets or
returns the gantt time interval (number of days to consider).
[ = value ]
The GanttWin
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
value |
An integer expression
of the gantt time interval in days |
The default
time interval is 30 days.
Do not exceed
with the time interval value: the greater is the interval, the slower the
ActiveX behaves and the zoom in function may also be limited if you don’t set
the GanttScrollMode properly.
To set the
gantt start date (number of days to consider) use the GanttIni property.
See Also
Sets or
returns the current zoom.
[ = action ]
The GanttZoom
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
action |
An integer
expression of the current zoom. The action value
is set by adding the below numbers |
settings for action are:
action |
Description |
<0 |
Zoom out in
(time grid step: every 8 hour (-1), every 12 hours (-2), every 24 hours (if
<-2)) |
0 |
(time grid step: every 4 hour) |
>0 |
Zoom in
(time grid step: every 2 hour (1), every hour (if >1)) |
The default
value is 0.
See Also
Sets or returns
the current ToolTip mode.
[ = action ]
The GanttToolTip
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
action |
An integer
expression of the tooltip mode. The action value
is set by adding the below numbers |
settings for action are:
action |
Description |
0 |
The time
block tooltip is displayed without parameters |
1 |
The time
block tooltip is displayed with the specified parameters (default) |
The default
value is 1.
The tooltip
parameters can be set with the ToolTip properties
When the property is set to 1 to display the tooltip you must press the
“z” key; to hide the tooltip you can either move the cursor to another block,
or click on the gantt background or double click on it; you can also copy the
content of the tooltip (select text, click with mouse right button and copy)
See Also
Returns the
resource array current index..
The GanttResIndex
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
Do not confuse
the resource index with the resource user ID: the resorce index is the current
array index (it may change after deleting ar adding resources), the resourse ID
is assigned by the user when creating the resource (it cannot be changed and it
must be a unique number).
See Also
Sets or
returns the current DayLine drawing mode.
[ = action ]
The GanttDayLine
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
action |
An integer
expression of the day line mode. The action value
is set by adding the below numbers |
settings for action are:
action |
Description |
0 |
The day
lines are not displayed |
1 |
The day
lines are displayed using the current color (GanttDayLineColor) |
The default
value is 0.
See Also
Sets or
returns the color of the DayLine.
[ = value ]
The GanttDayLineColor
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
value |
A numeric
expression of the color |
The default
backcolor is &H00000000& (black).
See Also
GanttDayLine property
Sets or
returns how the block links are displayed.
[ = action ]
The GanttLink
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
action |
An integer
expression that block links are displayed. The action value is set by
adding the below numbers to get the desired behaviour. |
settings for action are:
action |
Description |
0 |
displayed links after the following actions: zoom, block move, block delete |
1 |
automatically the displayed links after the following actions: zoom, block
move, block delete |
The default action is 0
See Also
Returns the
visible gantt start date .
[ = value ]
The GanttFrameStart
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
value |
A date expression
of the visible gantt window start date |
Do not confuse
this property with the GanttIni: GanttFrameStart returns the visible gantt
start date, GanttIni returns/sets the gantt overall start date (it may be
invisible in the displayed gantt).
See Also
GanttIni property, GanttFrameEnd
Returns the
visible gantt end date .
[ = value ]
The GanttFrameEnd
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
value |
A date expression
of the visible gantt window end date |
Do not confuse
this property with the overall gantt end date: GanttFrameEnd returns the
visible gantt end date, the overall gantt end date may be calculated with the
GanttIni and GanttWin properties.
See Also
GanttIni property, GanttFrameStart
Sets the
horizontal gantt scroll behavior.
[ = action ]
The GanttScrollMode property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
action |
An integer
expression that sets the gantt scroll mode. The action value is set by
adding the below numbers to get the desired behaviour. |
settings for action are:
action |
Description |
0 |
The scroll
arrows scroll the gantt with a default step (resourse width), the scroll box
scrolls the gantt continuously (50 twips step): zooming and scrolling are
possible only in one gantt page (default maximun page size is 245745 twips: to decrease the page size modify and use the registry file
frame.reg; do not use pages bigger then 245745 twips) |
1 |
The scroll
arrows scroll the gantt with a default step (resourse width) and when they
reach the start/end of the current page they load the previous/next gantt
page (if available), the scroll box scrolls the gantt continuously (50 twips):
zooming and scrolling are possible without limits using a proper quantity of
gantt pages (automatic) |
2 |
The scroll
arrows load the previous/next gantt page (if available), to scroll the
current page drag the scroll box: zooming and scrolling are possible without
limits using a proper quantity of gantt pages (automatic) |
The default scroll
mode is 0 (only one gantt page): if you
are plannig to use a gantt time interval
longer then 60 days, you should use the multi page mode (1 or 2) in order to be
able to zoom in without incurring in page limits on far away days.
See Also
Sets or
returns how time blocks are balanced on resources of the same group (available only in
Pro Edition) .
[ = action ]
The GanttBalance
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
action |
An integer
expression that sets how time blocks are balanced on resources of the same
group. The action value is set by adding the below numbers to get the
desired behaviour. |
settings for action are:
action |
Description |
0 |
Do not
balance the time blocks (default) |
1 |
Balance the
time blocks |
2 |
Balance the
time blocks and keep together blocks with the same description |
The default action is 0. Locked time blocks are
This property
is considered only by the SchRun method.
If action is
set to 2, blocks with the same description are kept together if they have the
same scheduling weight.
See Also
Sets or
returns the multi resource time block management (design and run time property) .
[ = action ]
The GanttMulti
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
action |
An integer
expression that sets how multi resource time blocks are handled. The action
value is set by adding the below numbers to get the desired behaviour. |
settings for action are:
action |
Description |
0 |
Ignore the
multi resource time blocks (default) |
1 |
Handle the
multi resource time blocks (valid for
blocks with the same TbGroup negative value) |
The default action is 0. This property is available at design and run
This property
is considered only for time blocks where the TbGroup property has a negative
Remember that
each time lock of the multi group must have the same unique negative TbGroup
and that you cannot add more than 1 time block per resource (for each multi group).
TbAdd, TbMove,
drag&drop can be used with a multi group time block; do not use TbAllocate with a multi group time block (it will
violate your Multi block alignment)
See Also
Sets or
returns the gantt panel title (ScPro).
[ = value ]
The GanttDesc
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
value |
A string expression
of the gantt panel title |
The default value
is ScPro.
See Also
Sets or
returns the backcolor of the Ocx area (the container of the Gantt area).
[ = value ]
The GanttOcxBackcolor
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
value |
A numeric
expression of the background color |
Do not confuse
this property with the GanttBackColor.
See Also
Sets or
returns the time block drop behavior (design and run time property) .
[ = action ]
The GanttDropIn
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
action |
An integer
expression that sets how the drop action is handled. The action value
is set by adding the below numbers to get the desired behaviour. |
settings for action are:
action |
Description |
0 |
Do not allow
the drop of a time block over another time block (default) |
1 |
dropping of a time block over another and move if forward to the the end of
the undelaying block |
The default action is 0. This property is available at design and run
This property
is considered only for time blocks when GanttMode>0.
See Also
Sets or
returns the time block appearance (design and run time property) .
[ = action ]
The GanttNoSymbol
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
action |
An integer
expression that sets how the time blocks appearance is handled. The action
value is set by adding the below numbers to get the desired behaviour. |
Possible settings
for action are:
action |
Description |
0 |
Show the
time block start symbol (default) |
1 |
Hide the
time block start symbol: the performance of the ocx is much faster (even if the
time block has no start symbol) |
The default action is 0. This property is available at design and run
Do not change
this property after loading time blocks: changes can be achieved only before
loading time blocks.
Methods such as TbAdd or GanttPan are much faster if you set this
property to 1.
See Also
Sets or
returns the error message (run time property)
[ = value ]
The GanttLastError
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object expression
that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
value |
A string
expression that resets error message (default: empty string). |
The default value is the empty string. When an error occurs (using TbAdd, ScRun, GanttPan,
GanttZoom or Zoom buttons), the error message can be retrieved with this
retrieving the message, you can reset the property assigning to it an empty
See Also
Sets or
returns the time block color gradient (design and run time property) .
[ = action ]
The GanttGrad
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
action |
An integer
expression that sets how the time blocks gradient is handled. The action
value is set by adding the below numbers to get the desired behaviour. |
settings for action are:
action |
Description |
0 |
No color
gradient in time block (default) |
1 |
Vertical color
gradient in time block (from background color to white) |
The default action is 0. This property is available at design and run
backgrounds are not effected by this property.
Methods such as TbAdd or GanttPan are much faster if you set this
property to 0.
See Also
Sets or
returns the time block buffer (design and run time property) .
[ = value ]
The GanttTbBuffer
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
value |
An integer
expression that sets the time block buffer (default 100). |
The default value is 100. Setting this buffer to the correct value
speeds up loading and displaying time blocks.
Set it to your medium (not maximum, otherwise you slow down the
performance!) number of handled time
block .
Methods such as TbAdd or ScRun are faster if you set this property to the
correct value.
See Also
Sets or
returns the gantt redraw behaviour (design and run time property) .
[ = action ]
The GanttRedraw
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
action |
An integer
expression that sets the gantt redraw behaviour. The action value is
set by adding the below numbers to get the desired behaviour. |
settings for action are:
action |
Description |
0 |
Gantt window
is not updated |
1 |
Gantt window
is updated (default) |
The default action is 1. This property is available at design and run
This property
is useful when adding great quantities of time blocks to the gantt: setting
this property to 0 before heavy operations (such as multiple TbAdd or ScRun)
and after setting it back to 1 ensures a better performance.
See Also
This method clears
all the elements added to the Gantt (it
is a complete reset of the arrays) in the Scheduler Pro Control object.
The GanttClear
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
> 0 - Clear was successful
= 0 - Clear failed (an error occurred while adding
this block)
This method
resets the time block array, the non-work array the resources array and the
style bar array.
method, ResAdd method, NwAdd
method, TbAdd method
method applies a zoom in the specified starting date in the Scheduler Pro Control
(myzoom As Integer [, myDate As date
The GanttPan
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
myzoom |
+1 for
zooming in, -1 for zooming out , 0 for
refreshing zoom |
mydate |
A date
expression of the stating zoom point |
> 0 - Zoom was successful
= 0 - Zoom failed (an error occurred while zooming)
This method
zooms in/out the time blocks of the gantt area and the calendar area
dinamically: the GanttIni property sets the start point of the Gantt (initial
date of the gantt/calendar area), the GanttWin property sets the end point of
the Gantt (period in days from the initial date).
To zoom in use
+1, to zoom out use -1: 0 will refresh the time blocks and the calendar area
leaving the current zoom.
The specified
date will be the left starting point of the zoomed new window: if no date is
specified, will be considered the current left starting point.
If you incur in error 480 (“Can't
AutoRedraw image”) or error 7 (“Out of memory”) you can reduce the page size
(default: 245745 twips, it can be reduced using the attached registry file
frame.reg), or eventually set the GanttNoSymbol property to 1, or reduce the
resource height.
property, GanttWin
This method
prints the window containing the Scheduler Pro Control object (without the
scroll bars).
The GanttPrint
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
> 0 - Print was successful
= 0 - Print failed (an error occurred while printing)
This method
prints the displayed ScPro object: before printing it is possible to resize
(manually or using the GanttPan method) the window in order to select the area
to be printed .
The default
printer orientation is vertical, but if the window width is greater than the printer width then the
horizontal printer orientation will be automatically selected.
This method load
a previously saved gantt project in the Scheduler Pro Control object.
(mypath As string)
The TbPan
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
mypath |
The complete
path of the file to be loaded |
> 0 - Open was successful
= 0 - Open failed (an error occurred while opening
the file)
This method loads
all the object of the saved project (gantt defaults, resources, style bars, non
work periods, time blocks,links) and sets the GanttTimeLine property to 0 (in
order to deal with past time blocks).
This method saves
the current gantt project in a specified file.
(mypath As string)
The TbPan
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
mypath |
The complete
path of the file to be saved |
> 0 - Save was successful
= 0 - Save failed (an error occurred while opening
the file)
This method
saves all the objects of the current project (gantt defaults, resources, style
bars, non work periods, time blocks, links) in a specified file.
This method
prints the specified gantt window (horizontal scrolling is automatic).
(StartDate As date , EndDate As date)
The GanttPrintMulti
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
StartDate |
Start date
of the print window |
EndDate |
End date of
the print window |
> 0 - Print was successful
= 0 - Print failed (an error occurred while printing)
This method
prints only the displayed resources (vertical scrolling is not provided).
The default
printer orientation is vertical, but if the window width is greater than the printer width then the
horizontal printer orientation will be automatically selected.
This method
prints the specified gantt information (provided on a list base) in the
specified Html file.
(Path As string, Title As string,
StartDate As date , EndDate As date [, IDres as integer ] [, BlockType
as integer ])
The GanttPrintHtml
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
Path |
path of the html file |
Title |
Title to be
inserted in the html file |
StartDate |
Start date
of the gantt information |
EndDate |
End date of
the gantt information |
IDres |
ID of the
resource: if not specified all the resources will be considered |
BlockType |
Type of
information to be inserted in the html file (1 NonWork, 2 TimeBlock, 3 All):
if not specified all the information will be considered (default 3) |
> 0 - Print was successful
= 0 - Print failed (an error occurred while printing)
To display the
printed html file just invoke your favourite browser stating the html file path.
This method
enables registering at run time.
(value as string)
The GanttReg
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
Value |
A string
expression containing the customer licence key |
> 0 - Register was successful
= 0 - Register failed (an error occurred)
This method is
useful in application distribution.
This method
prints the specified gantt information (provided on a list base) to the
specified output in txt format.
(Output As string, Title As string, StartDate As date , EndDate As date [, IDres as integer ] [, BlockType as integer ])
The GanttPrintHtml
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
Output |
path of the output file or printout: if set to empty string ""
or set to "PRINTER" prints directly to default printer |
Title |
to be inserted in the file or printout |
StartDate |
Start date
of the gantt information |
EndDate |
End date of
the gantt information |
IDres |
ID of the
resource: if not specified all the resources will be considered |
BlockType |
Type of
information to be inserted in the html file (1 NonWork, 2 TimeBlock, 3 All):
if not specified all the information will be considered (default 3) |
> 0 - Print was successful
= 0 - Print failed (an error occurred while printing)
To display the
printed txt file just invoke your favourite program stating the txt file path.
Fires when a
mouse click occurs on the gantt background.
Syntax (Visual
Private Sub ScProOCX1_GanttClick(curdate as date, button
as integer)
The GanttClick
event has these parts:
Part |
Description |
curdate |
A date
expression containing the date calculated in the click point |
button |
A numeric
expression for the mouse button (1 left, 2 right) |
The sequence
of ScPro Control is
See Also
Fires when a
mouse double click occurs on the gantt background.
Syntax (Visual
Private Sub ScProOCX1_GanttDblClick(curdate as date)
The GanttDblClick event has these parts:
Part |
Description |
curdate |
A date expression
containing the date calculated in the click point |
The sequence
of ScPro Control is
See Also
Fires when a
mouse click occurs on the open button of the gantt panel.
Syntax (Visual
Private Sub ScProOCX1_GanttOpenClick()
The GanttOpenClick event has these parts:
Part |
Description |
() |
No data |
This event can
be used to fire a procedure that opens a previously saved Gantt Project.
See Also
Fires when a
mouse click occurs on the save button of the gantt panel.
Syntax (Visual
Private Sub ScProOCX1_GanttSaveClick()
The GanttSaveClick event has these parts:
Part |
Description |
() |
No data |
This event can
be used to fire a procedure that saves the current Gantt Project.
See Also
The following
routines are used for the Resource
management in the Scheduler Pro Control object.
Sets or
returns the default alignment of the resource text.
ScProOCX. ResAlignment
[ = action]
The ResAlignment
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
action |
An integer
expression that sets how align the text in the resource. The action
value is set by adding the below numbers. |
settings for action are:
action |
Description |
0 |
Align left
(default) |
1 |
Align right |
2 |
Align center |
The default action is 0.
See Also
Sets or
returns the default backcolor of the Resource.
[ = value ]
The ResBackcolor
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
value |
An ole color
expression of the background color |
The default
backcolor is &HC0& (red).
See Also
Sets or
returns the text description of the resource.
(index as integer) [ = value
The ResDesc
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the resource array index |
value |
A string
expression containing the description of the resource |
The lower
bound of the resource array is 1 (if the lower or upper bound is 0, the array
is empty).
To check the
array upper bound use the ResMax property
See Also
ResMax property, ResAdd property
Sets or
returns the default resource font.
ScProOCX.ResFont.Prop [ = value ]
The ResFont
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
Prop |
properties: Name, Size, Bold, Italic, Underline, Strikethrough |
value |
A font
expression containing the default resource font parameters |
The default
font is Ms San Serif bold 10.
See Also
Sets or
returns the default forecolor of the Resource.
[ = value ]
The ResForecolor
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
value |
An ole color
expression of the foreground color |
The default
forecolor is &HFFFFFF& (white).
See Also
Returns the
user group key of the resource (read only)
(index as integer)
The ResGroup
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the resource array index |
The lower
bound of the resource array is 1 (if the lower or upper bound is 0, the array
is empty).
To check the
array upper bound use the ResMax property
See Also
ResMax property, ResAdd property
Sets or
returns the default resource height.
[ = value ]
The ResHeightproperty
has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
value |
A numeric
expression of the requested height (twips) |
The default
resource height is 450 twips.
See Also
Returns the
user numeric key of the resource (read only)
(index as integer)
The ResID
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the resource array index |
The lower
bound of the resource array is 1 (if the lower or upper bound is 0, the array
is empty).
To check the
array upper bound use the ResMax property
The user ID
may different from the resource array index. The array index can be retrieved
from the ID using the ResIndex method.
See Also
ResMax property, ResAdd property,
ResIndex method
Sets or
returns the user string key of the resource (read only)
(index as integer) [ = value ]
The ResKey
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the resource array index |
value |
A string
expression containing the user key |
The lower
bound of the resource array is 1 (if the lower or upper bound is 0, the array
is empty).
To check the
array upper bound use the ResMax property
See Also
ResMax property, ResAdd property
the upper bound of the resource array (read only property).
The TbMax
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
The lower
bound of the resource array is 1. If the lower/upper bound is 0, the array is
See Also
Sets or
returns the default resource width.
ScProOCX.ResWidth [ = value ]
The ResWidth
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
value |
A numeric
expression of the requested width (twips) |
The default
resource width is 1500 twips.
See Also
Sets or
returns the required duration (in hours) of a primary setup of an existing
(index As Integer) [ = value ]
The ResPrimaryDur
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing resource. |
value |
A numeric
(single) expression for the primary
setup duration. |
duration may be assigned after adding a resource
(see ResAdd method).
This property
is ignored on resources where GanttMode <2 and ResMode<2.
Any time block
added on a resource considers an additional duration due to primary setup if
the previous time block (on the same resource) has a different setup code.
See Also
ResAdd method, ResSecondaryDur
Sets or
returns the required duration (in hours) of a secondary setup of an existing
(index As Integer) [ = value ]
The ResSecondaryDur
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing resource. |
value |
A numeric
(single) expression for the primary
setup duration. |
duration may be assigned after adding a
resource (see ResAdd method).
This property
is ignored on resources where GanttMode <2 and ResMode<2.
Any time block
added on a resource considers an additional duration due to secondary setup if
the previous time block (on the same resource) has the same setup code.
See Also
ResAdd method, ResPrimaryDur property
Sets or
returns how the time blocks of a specific resource interact (useful to create
an infinite capacity resource that has to interact with other existing finite
capacity resources).
(index As Integer) [ = action ]
The ResMode
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing resource. |
action |
An integer
expression that sets how time blocks interact on the resource. The action
value is set by adding the below numbers to get the desired behaviour. |
settings for action are:
action |
Description |
-1 |
according to GanttMode property (default) |
0 |
Ignore block
overlapping and non-work periods |
1 |
non-work periods and ignore block overlapping |
2 |
block overlapping and ignore non-work periods |
3 |
block overlapping and non-work periods |
The default action is -1: in this case is considered
the GanttMode property.
For action>0 the time block cannot be
placed before the TbBeg date.
For action 0 and 1 GanttPrimaryDur and GanttSecondaryDur are ignored.
If the
property is changed after adding the time blocks, you must reload the time
blocks to consider the effect of the property.
See Also
Sets or
returns the efficiency (in %) of an
existing resource: it decreases or increases the time block duration.
(index As Integer) [ = value ]
The ResEff
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
Index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing resource. |
Value |
A numeric
(integer) expression for efficiency
(>0). |
efficiency of a resource must be
assigned before adding time blocks.
This property may be used to consider the different performance of a
resource to handle the same task (time block).
- with
efficiency set to 50 the duration of the time block will be the double
- with
efficiency set to 200 the duration of the time block will be the half
See Also
Sets or
returns the background color of an added resource.
(index as integer) [ = value
The ResBackColorI
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the resource array index |
value |
An OLE color expression containing the background color of the
resource |
The lower
bound of the resource array is 1 (if the lower or upper bound is 0, the array
is empty).
To check the
array upper bound use the ResMax property
See Also
ResMax property, ResAdd property
Sets or
returns the background picture of an added resource.
Set ScProOCX.ResPicture (index as integer) [ = value
The ResPicture
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the resource array index |
value |
An expression containing a standard picture (bmp, jpeg, ico, gif) |
Before loading
the bitmap in the resource, create the resource (ResAdd method).
height/width of the picture container is automatically set equal to the
resource height.
The loaded
picture is automatically stretched to the container size.
To change the
width of the picture container use the ResPicWidth property.
See Also
ResMax property, ResAdd property, ResPicWidth property
Sets or
returns the width of an added resource picture container.
(index as integer) [ = value
The ResPicWidth
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the resource array index |
value |
An integer expression containing
the width of the resource picture container |
The lower
bound of the resource array is 1 (if the lower or upper bound is 0, the array
is empty).
To check the
array upper bound use the ResMax property
See Also
ResMax property, ResAdd property, ResPicture property
method loads the specified resource in the Scheduler Pro Control object.
(ID As Integer, Key As String, Desc
As String [, Group As String ])
The ResAdd
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
ID |
A numeric
expression for the resource ID (unique index) |
Key |
A string
expression for the user resource Key |
Desc |
A string
expression for the resource
description (displayed in the resource). |
Group |
A string
expression for the group ID (used to specify equivalent resources) |
> 0 - Add was successful (returns the resource
= 0 - Add failed (an error occurred while adding
this resource)
If the GanttDropMode= 1 then when using the
drag&drop manual action (or the TbMove method) the group ID is verified
(source and target must have the same group ID, otherwise the action is
withdrown) .
The indexes of
the resource array are dynamic (can vary
when deleting or adding resources). It is possible to retrieve the current
index of a resource with the ResIndex method. The ID must be unique.
If you have to load a lot of resources set the GanttWin property to 1 before loading the resources and afterwards
set the GanttWin property to the original/required value: this increases
considerably the method performance.
To avoid to incur in error 480 (“Can't AutoRedraw image”) do not
exaggerate the number of resources and
eventually specify a minimum suitable ResHeight.
See Also
ResIndex method, GattDropMode
This method clears
the specified element of the resource array in the Scheduler Pro Control object.
([ID As
Integer ])
The ResClear
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
ID |
A numeric
expression for the user ID of the resource
array . |
> 0 - Clear was successful (returns the deleted
resource ID)
= 0 - Clear failed (an error occurred while deleting
this resource)
The user ID
may differ from the resource array index.
If ID=0 (or not specified) then all the
existing resources are deleted.
If time blocks
or non work periods are present in the gantt project, then a resource cannot be deleted.
This method retrieves
the resource array index of a given user ID in the Scheduler Pro Control object.
(ID As Integer)
The ResIndex
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
ID |
A numeric
expression for the resource ID (unique index) |
> 0 - Retrieve was successful (returns the
resource array index)
= 0 - Retrieve failed (an error occurred while retrieving
the array index)
The indexes of
the resource array are dynamic (can vary
when deleting or adding resources).
See Also
method returns the resource capacity in the specified time interval.
(Index As Integer, Istart As Date,
Iend As Date)
The ResCapacity
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
Index |
A numeric
expression for the resource index |
Istart |
A date
expression of the interval start date |
Iend |
A date
expression of the interval end date |
> 0 - Capacity value (numeric expression, single)
= 0 - No capacity
The indexes of
the resource array are dynamic (can vary
when deleting or adding resources). It is possible to retrieve the current
index of a resource with the ResIndex method.
The capacity of the resource in the specified interval is
calculated considering the nonwork
periods (specified interval - nonwork duration).
To calculate the nonwork duration of a specified period, you can
subtract the capacity value to the specified interval (specified interval -
See Also
method returns the resource load in the specified time interval.
(Index As Integer, Istart As Date,
Iend As Date)
The ResLoad
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
Index |
A numeric
expression for the resource index |
Istart |
A date
expression of the interval start date |
Iend |
A date
expression of the interval end date |
> 0 - Load value (numeric expression, single)
= 0 - No Load
The indexes of
the resource array are dynamic (can vary
when deleting or adding resources). It is possible to retrieve the current
index of a resource with the ResIndex method.
The Load of the resource is calculated
considering the all the time blocks found in the specified interval.
See Also
This method
sets the top visible resource.
(index As Integer)
The ResTop
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression for the resource index |
> 0 - Top resource found (returns the resource
= 0 - Top resource not found (an error occurred
while retrieving the array index)
The indexes of
the resource array are dynamic (can vary
when deleting or adding resources). It is possible to retrieve the current
index of a resource with the ResIndex method.
See Also
Fires when a
mouse click occurs on the resource.
Syntax (Visual
Private Sub ScProOCX1_ResClick (index as integer, button
as integer)
The ResClick
event has these parts:
Part |
Description |
index |
An integer
expression containing the resource array index |
button |
A numeric
expression for the mouse button (1 left, 2 right) |
The sequence
of ScPro Control is
To retrieve
the user ID, use the ResID property
See Also
Fires when a
mouse double click occurs on the resource.
Syntax (Visual
Private Sub ScProOCX1_ResDblClick (index as integer)
The ResDblClick
event has these parts:
Part |
Description |
index |
An integer
expression containing the resource array index |
The sequence
of ScPro Control is
To retrieve
the user ID, use the ResID property
See Also
The following
routines are used for the Time Block
(Tb), Block Links (Link) and
style (Bar) management in the Scheduler
Pro Control object.
Sets or
returns the availability date of an existing time block (the availability date
is the starting point from which a time block may be scheduled: before that
point it is not available).
(index As Integer) [ = value ]
The TbDesc
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing time block. |
value |
A date
expression for the time block availability date |
availability date is assigned when
adding a time block (see TbAdd method and TBbeg value).
availability date is considered only if the GanttMode >0.
See Also
TbAdd method, TbMove method,
TbAllocate method, GanttMode
Sets or
returns the bar style of an existing time block.
(index As Integer) [ = value ]
The TbBar
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing time block. |
value |
numeric expression for the time block
bar style |
The bar style
is assigned when adding a time block (see TbAdd method).
See Also
TbAdd method, TbStyle method,
BarAdd method
Returns the
beginning date of an existing time block.
(index As Integer)
The TbBeg
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing time block. |
The beginning
date is assigned when adding a time
block (see TbAdd method).
To change the
beginning date, the following methods are available
manual action
See Also
TbAdd method, TbMove method,
TbAllocate method
Sets or
returns the description of an existing time block.
(index As Integer) [ = value ]
The TbDesc
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing time block. |
value |
string expression for the time block
description |
description is assigned when adding a
time block (see TbAdd method).
description string can be displayed in the time block according to the style
See Also
Sets or returns
the required duration (in hours) of an existing time block.
(index As Integer) [ = value ]
The TbDur
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing time block. |
value |
A numeric
(single) expression for the time block
duration. |
duration is assigned when adding a time
block (see TbAdd method).
To position
correctly (the modified block may overlap another existing block or a following
non-work period may have to be considered)
the modified block in the current Gantt the following methods are
method (different resources)
method (same resource)
See Also
TbAdd method, TbMove method,
TbAllocate method
Sets or
returns the required end date (delivery date) of an existing time block (it can
be used as a scheduling variable).
(index As Integer) [ = value ]
The TBend
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing time block. |
value |
A date
expression for the time block end date (default date with TbAdd method) |
The end date
is assigned when adding a time block (see TbAdd method).
This property
can be used as a scheduling variable:
remember to set the scheduling logical properties (SchEnd property)
before scheduling (SchRun method).
See Also
TbAdd method, SchRun method, SchEnd property
Sets or
returns the group ID of an existing time block (can be used to tag a group of
time blocks).
(index As Integer) [ = value ]
The TbGroup
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing time block. |
value |
A numeric
expression for the user time block group ID. |
The group ID
is assigned when adding a time block (see TbAdd method).
For negative group ID values it is possible
to handle multi resource time blocks (standing that the GanttMulti property is
set to 1: remember that you have to add more then one time block with the same
TbGroup value to build a multi resource time block).
Remember that
you cannot add more than 1 time block per resource for each multi group.
See Also
Sets or
returns the user ID of an existing time block (can be used to ceate a user
numeric index of the time block).
(index As Integer) [ = value ]
The TbID
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing time block. |
value |
A numeric
expression for the user time block ID. |
The user ID is
assigned when adding a time block (see TbAdd method).
See Also
Sets or
returns the user Key of an existing time block (can be used to ceate a user
string index of the time block)
(index As Integer) [ = value ]
The TbKey
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing time block. |
value |
A string
expression for the user time block Key. |
The user Key
is assigned when adding a time block (see TbAdd method).
See Also
the upper bound of the time block array (read only property).
The TbMax
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
The lower
bound of the time block array is 1. If the lower/upper bound is 0, the array is
See Also
the resourse ID of an existing time block (read only property).
(index As Integer)
The TbRes
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing time block. |
The resource
ID is assigned when adding a time block (see TbAdd method).
To change the
resource ID, the following methods are available
manual action
See Also
Sets or
returns the user string of an existing time block (can be used to store user
(index As Integer) [ = value ]
The TbUser
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing time block. |
value |
A string
expression for the user time block string. |
The user string
is assigned when adding a time block (see TbAdd method).
The user
string can be displayed in the time block according to the style bar.
See Also
Returns the
real duration (in hours) of an existing time block (it includes the duration of
any existing non work period during the time block).
(index As Integer)
The TbRealDur
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing time block. |
The real
duration may be longer of the assigned duration because it includes the
duration of any non work period during the time block (the time block stretches
its duration on non work periods).
See Also
Returns the
real end date of an existing time block (it is the visible end of an allocated
time block).
(index As Integer)
The TbRealEnd
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing time block. |
The real end
date may be after the date calculated from the TbBeg date and the TbDur
duration because it includes the any non work period during the time block (it
may be calculated from the TbBeg date and the TbRealDur duration).
See Also
Sets or
returns the required lock date of an
existing time block (it can be used to lock a time block to a specific date).
(index As Integer) [ = value ]
The TbLocked
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing time block. |
value |
A date
expression for the time block lock date. |
In manual mode
(default SchMode=0) once you have assigned the lock date to a time block you
should reallocate (see TbAllocate method) to move it to the correct starting
point (unless it is already allocated in that point).
In scheduling
mode (SchMode=1) the time block is allocated using the SchRun method.
When block
overlap is considered (GanttMode>1) if there is no room to allocate the time
block then the lock date will not be respected (the time block will be
allocated to the first possible point after the lock date).
A time block
with a specified lock date cannot be moved by any drag & drop action:
before it is necessary to remove the lock date, just setting it to 0
See Also
Sets or
returns the booking date of an existing
time block (it can be used as a scheduling variable).
(index As Integer) [ = value ]
The TbBook
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing time block. |
value |
A date
expression for the time block booking date (default date: date of block
adding) |
This property
can be used as a scheduling variable:
remember to set the scheduling logical properties (SchBook property)
before scheduling (SchRun method).
See Also
Sets or returns
the importance level of an existing time block (it can be used as a scheduling
(index As Integer) [ = value ]
The TbLevel
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing time block. |
value |
An integer
numeric expression (positive) for the time block importance (default 0) |
This property
can be used as a scheduling variable:
remember to set the scheduling logical properties (SchLevel property)
before scheduling (SchRun method).
This property
is usually set either to 0 (no importance) or 1 (important), but also many
levels of importance may be used. Remember that the weight of this variable
(SchLevel) is moltiplied by the time block property value (TbLevel): so if
different levels from 0 or 1 are used
you should pay attention when setting the logical properties (for
example if you have the time block importance level TbLevel ranging from 0 to
5, setting the logical property SchLevel to 10 will come out with a real weight
ranging from 0 to 50)
See Also
Sets or
returns the setup string of an existing time block (it can be used as a
scheduling variable).
(index As Integer) [ = value ]
The TbSetUp
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing time block. |
value |
A string
expression for the time block setup code (default “”) |
This property
can be used as a scheduling variable:
remember to set the scheduling logical properties (SchSetUp property)
before scheduling (SchRun method).
The scheduling
algorithm tries to allocate in sequence all the time blocks with the same setup
(considering also the other scheduling variables).
See Also
Sets or
returns the urgency of an existing time block (it can be used as a scheduling
(index As Integer) [ = value ]
The TbUrgency
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing time block. |
value |
An integer
numeric expression (positive) for the time urgency (default 0) |
This property
can be used as a scheduling variable:
remember to set the scheduling logical properties (SchUrgency property)
before scheduling (SchRun method).
This property
is usually set either to 0 (no urgency) or 1 (urgent), but also many levels of
urgency may be used. Remember that the weight of this variable (SchUrgency) is
moltiplied by the time block property value (TbUrgency): so if different levels
from 0 or 1 are used you should pay
attention when setting the logical properties (for example if you have the time
block urgency TbUrgency ranging from 0 to 5, setting the logical property
SchUrgency to 20 will come out with a real weight ranging from 0 to 100)
See Also
Sets or
returns the required lock resource of an existing time block (it can be used to
lock a time block to a specific resource).
(index As Integer) [ = action ]
The TbResLock
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing time block. |
action |
An integer
expression (0/1) that sets how time blocks is locked to the resource. The action
value is set by adding the below numbers to get the desired behaviour |
settings for action are:
action |
Description |
0 |
The time
block is not locked to the resource (default) |
1 |
The time block
is locked to the current resource |
Methods like
SchRun consider this property when balancing the load of a group of resources
Do not confuse
TBResLock with TBLocked: the first locks the task to the resource, the second
locks the task to a specified starting date .
See Also
Sets or
returns a user parameter (integer number) of an existing time block (can be
used to store user variables).
(index As Integer) [ = value ]
The TbParam1
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing time block. |
value |
A numeric expression
(integer) for the user time block parameter. |
Do not confuse
TbParam1 with TbUser: the first adds a user integer parameter, the second
specifies a user string.
See Also
Sets or
returns a user parameter (integer number) of an existing time block (can be
used to store user variables).
(index As Integer) [ = value ]
The TbParam2
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing time block. |
value |
A numeric
expression (integer) for the user time block parameter. |
Do not confuse
TbParam2 with TbUser: the first adds a user integer parameter, the second
specifies a user string.
See Also
the description of the style bar array element.
ScProOCX.BarDesc (index
As Integer)
The BarDesc
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of an existing style bar. |
The index can
be retrieved from the return value of the BarAdd method
The lower
bound of the bar array is 1. If the
lower/upper bound is 0, the bar is empty.
This property
is available only at run time.
See Also
Sets the
fill color of the style bar array element.
(index As Integer) [ = value ]
The BarFillColor
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric expression
of the index of an existing style bar. |
value |
A variant
expression for the fill color (decimal or Hex) |
The index can
be retrieved from the return value of the BarAdd method
The lower
bound of the bar array is 1. If the
lower/upper bound is 0, the bar is empty.
See Also
the upper bound of the style bar array (read only property).
The BarMax
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
The lower
bound of the bar array is 1. If the
lower/upper bound is 0, the bar is empty.
See Also
Sets or
returns the tooltip parameters of the time block.
ScProOCX.ToolTipAfter [ = value ]
ScProOCX.ToolTipBefore [ = value ]
ScProOCX.ToolTipDesc [ = value ]
ScProOCX.ToolTipDur [ = value ]
ScProOCX.ToolTipEnd [ = value ]
ScProOCX.ToolTipStart [ = value ]
ScProOCX.ToolTipTitle [ = value ]
ScProOCX.ToolTipUser [ = value ]
The ToolTip
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
value |
A string
expression of the time block tooltip parameter description |
If the
property is set to an empty string, the corresponding parameter will not be
visible in the time block tooltip.
Every tooltip
property has a default value that can be customized by the user at design and run time.
The time block
tooltip properties are considered only if the GanttToolTip property is set to
See Also
Sets or
returns how the logical links are displayed .
[ = action ]
The GanttMode
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
action |
An integer
expression that sets the links are displayed. The action value is set
by adding the below numbers to get the desired behaviour. |
settings for action are:
action |
Description |
0 |
Display link
arrows as objects (always visible over time blocks) |
1 |
Display link
arrows as background lines (under time blocks) |
The default action is 0.
Action 1 is much faster (useful when dealing with
massive links).
Set this
property before adding or displaying logical links.
See Also
This method
loads the specified time block in the Scheduler Pro Control object (the Lite Edition is
limited to 1000 time blocks). Now
much faster (up to 3x)!!!
(ID As Integer, Key As String, Desc
As String, IDres As Integer, TBbeg As Date, TBend As Date,
TBdur As Single, TBgroup As Integer, TBbar As Integer [, TBuser
As String ])
The TbAdd method
has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
ID |
A numeric
expression for the user time block ID. |
Key |
A string
expression for the user time block Key. |
Desc |
A string
expression for the time block description (may be displayed in the time block
depending on the style bar). |
IDres |
A numeric
expression for the ID of the assigned resource. |
TBbeg |
A date
expression of the avialability date and for the possible start date of the
time block (depending on the GanttMode property it can move forward depending
on resource availability). |
TBend |
A date
expression for the required end date of the time block (depending on the
GanttMode property and resource availability it may be fulfilled or
disregarded). |
TBdur |
A numeric
expression for the time block duration (in hours). |
TBgroup |
A numeric
expression for the ID of the time block group (tag for blocks having some
kind of relationship). |
TBbar |
A numeric
expression for the ID of the style bar to be used to display the time block. |
TBuser |
A string
expression for any user variable (may be displayed in the time block depending
on the style bar). |
> 0 - Add was successful (returns the block index)
= 0 - Add failed (an error occurred while adding
this block)
This method
ignores the GanttDropMode Property and
the GanttLock Property and behaves according to the GantMode and
GanttWin property. Remember that if the TbBeg date is after the end of the
gantt end date, the TbAdd method will fail (0 as return value)
The Indexes of
the time block array are dynamic (can vary when deleting or adding blocks). It
is possible to retrieve the current index of a block with the TbIndexFromID
method or the TbIndexFromKey method. Either the ID or the Key should be unique
index to be useful.This method
automatically sets the availability property (TbAva) to the TBbeg value stated
in the TbAdd method: do not confuse the TbAva property (block availability
date) with the TbBeg property (block beginning date which can vary according to
the starting point of the block) or with the TBbeg value of the TbAdd method
(availability date and possible starting date according to the GanttMode and
Before loading or adding a great number of time blocks you should set the control container visible
property to false (after loading set the visible property to true) in order to
achieve a better performance.
Other tricks to improve the method performance:
the GanttNoSymbol property to 1 (it avoids to display the start symbols)
the GanttLink property to 0 (it avoids to display the link symbols)
the LinkMode property to 1 (it avoids to use link objects)
the GanttMode property to the correct value (0 and 1 modes are much faster then
2 or 3)
not exceed in specifying the GanttWin interval
the GanttTbBuffer property to the correct value (default 100)
the GanttRedraw property (0 before adding, 1 after loading)
To avoid to incur in error 480 (“Can't AutoRedraw image”) or error 7
(“Out of memory”) do not exaggerate the
number of time blocks and eventually set the GanttNoSymbol property to 1.
Before using the
TbAdd method remember that:
bar styles must be specified before adding time blocks (see BarAdd method)
resources must be specified before adding time blocks (see ResAdd method)
GanttMode property must be specified before adding time blocks (see GanttMode
GanttWin property (extent of the scheduling period in days) must be specified
before adding time blocks (see GanttWin property)
Notes on
time block drag&drop
When a time
block is manually moved with the drag&drop function remember that:
GanttMode property may require to consider/ignore block overlapping and to
consider/ignore non-work periods. The time block to fulfil the GanttMode
property may be moved forward to the drop point . If there is no solution the drag&drop will
not be accomplished
GanttMode property may forbid any drag&drop action before the TBbeg date
(no feasibility before the block availability)
GanttDropMode property may require the source and target resources to belong to
the same group
TimeLine property may forbid any drop of time blocks in the past (before the
current time, evidenced by the red vertical line)
method, ResAdd method, GanttMode
property, GanttDropMode property, GanttWin property, GanttTimeLine
property, TbIndexFromID
method, TbIndexFromKey
This method allocates
the specified existing time block (finds the first free period in the current
resource starting from the given date) in the Scheduler Pro Control object .
(index As Integer [, New_TbBeg As Date ])
The TbAllocate
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression for the index of the time block array . |
New_TbBeg |
A date
expression for the starting date from where to look for a free period. |
> 0 - Allocate was successful (returns the block
= 0 - Allocate failed (an error occurred while allocating
this block)
This method
ignores the GanttDropMode Property and
the GanttLock Property and behaves according to the GantMode and
GanttWin property.
If the date is
not specified, then the TbBeg will be considered as default.
Before using
the TbAllocate method remember that:
time block must be added before (see TbAdd method)
GanttMode property must be specified before adding time blocks (see GanttMode
GanttWin property (extent of the scheduling period in days) must be specified
before adding time blocks (see GanttWin property)
TbAdd method, GanttMode
property, GanttWin property
This method deletes
the specified existing time block in the Scheduler Pro Control object .
([Index As
Integer ])
The TbClear
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
Index |
A numeric
expression for the index of the time block array . |
> 0 - Clear was successful (returns the deleted
block index)
= 0 - Clear failed (an error occurred while deleting
this block)
If Index=0 (or not specified) then all the
existing blocks are deleted.
This method retrieves
the time block array index from the user ID in the Scheduler Pro Control object
(ID As Integer)
The TbIndexFromID
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
ID |
A numeric
expression for the user ID of the time block array . |
> 0 - Retrieve was successful (returns the block
= 0 - Retrieve failed (an error occurred while serching
the time block array)
To retrieve
the index from a string key see the TbIndexFromKey method.
The user ID
is assigned when adding a time block (see TbAdd method).
TbAdd method, TbIndexFromKey method, TbID
This method retrieves
the time block array index from the user Key in the Scheduler Pro Control
object .
(key As String)
The TbIndexFromKey
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
key |
A string
expression for the user key of the time block array . |
> 0 - Retrieve was successful (returns the block
= 0 - Retrieve failed (an error occurred while serching
the time block array)
To retrieve
the index from a numeric ID see the TbIndexFromID method.
The user Key
is assigned when adding a time block (see TbAdd method).
TbAdd method, TbIndexFromID method, TbKey
This method moves
the specified existing time block to a different resource (finds the first free
period in the specified resource starting from the given date) in the Scheduler
Pro Control object .
(index As Integer, New_TbRes As Integer [, New_TbBeg
As Date ])
The TbMove
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
index |
A numeric
expression for the index of the time block array . |
New_TbRes |
A numeric expression
for target resource |
New_TbBeg |
A date
expression for the starting date from where to look for a free period. |
> 0 - Move was successful (returns the block
= 0 - Move failed (an error occurred while allocating
this block)
This method ignores
the GanttLock property and behaves according to the GantMode, GanttWin and
GanttDropMode property.
If the date is
not specified, then the TbBeg will be considered as default.
Before using
the TbAllocate method remember that:
time block must be added before (see TbAdd method)
GanttMode property must be specified before adding time blocks (see GanttMode
GanttWin property (extent of the scheduling period in days) must be specified
before adding time blocks (see GanttWin property)
TbAdd method, GanttMode
property, GanttWin property, GanttDropMode
This method assigns
to the specified existing time block an existing style bar in the Scheduler Pro
Control object .
(TBindex As Integer , myBar As Integer)
The TbStyle
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
TBindex |
A numeric
expression for the index of the time blocks array. |
myBar |
A numeric
expression for the ID of a specified style bar. |
> 0 - Style was successful (returns the modified
block index)
= 0 - Style failed (an error occurred while modifying
this block)
Before using
the TbStyle method remember that:
style bar must be added before (see
BarAdd method)
time block must be added before (see TbAdd method)
This method
loads the specified style bar (it is a template for the time blocks) in the
Scheduler Pro Control object.
(ID As Integer, Key As String, Desc
As String, Forecolor As Variant, BackColor As Variant, FillStyle
As Integer, BarSize As Integer, BarStyle As Integer, Font
As String, Font Size As Single, Alignment As Integer, BarTextID
As Integer)
The BarAdd method
has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
ID |
A numeric
expression for the user bar ID
(unique) |
Key |
A string
expression for the user bar Key. |
Desc |
A string
expression for the bar description |
ForeColor |
A variant
expression for the forecolor of the bar (decimal or Hex) |
BackColor |
A variant
expression for the backcolor of the bar (decimal or Hex) |
FillStyle |
An integer expression
for the user bar style (0 solid, 1
transparent, 2 horizontal line, 3 vertical line, 4 Upword diagonal, 5
Downword diagonal, 6 Cross, 7 Diagonal Cross, 8 Vertical colors, 9 Horizontal
colors, 10 Flag colors |
BarSize |
An integer expression for the bar size in % of the resource height |
BarStyle |
A numeric
expression for the start/end symbol of the bar (0 no symbols, 10 pentagon
down start symbol, 20 pentagon up start symbol, 30 arrowhead down start
symbol, 40 arrowhead up start symbol) |
Font |
A string
expression for the bar Font Name |
FontSize |
A numeric
expression for the bar Font Size |
Alignment |
An integer expression
for the bar text alignment (0 left, 1 center, 2 right) |
BarTextID |
A numeric
expression for the type of text to be displayed in a time block (0 for time
block TBdesc, 1 for time block TBuser) |
> 0 - Add was successful (returns the bar index)
= 0 - Add failed (an error occurred while adding
this bar)
The Indexes of
the style bar array are dynamic (can vary when deleting or adding bars). It is
possible to retrieve the current index of a style bar with the BarIndex method.
The ID must be a unique index.
When a
time block is added (TbAdd method), the style bar is assigned to the added time
BarIndex method , TbAdd
This method deletes
the specified existing bar style in the Scheduler Pro Control object .
([ID As
Integer ])
The BarClear
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
ID |
A numeric
expression for the user ID of the style bar. |
> 0 - Clear was successful (returns the deleted
bar ID)
= 0 - Clear failed (an error occurred while deleting
this style bar)
If ID =0 (or not specified) then all the
existing style bars are deleted.
If any time blocks are allocated in the gantt,
bar styles cannot be deleted.
This method retrieves
the style bar array index from the user ID in the Scheduler Pro Control object.
(Bar As Integer)
The BarIndex
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
Bar |
A numeric
expression for the ID of the style bar |
> 0 - Retrieve was successful (returns the bar
= 0 - Retrieve failed (an error occurred while serching
the bar array)
The user bar
ID is assigned when adding a style bar (see BarAdd method).
LinkAdd Method
This method
loads a logical link (displayed as an arrow from the source to the target) between
the specified time blocks in the Scheduler Pro Control object.
(TBindexSource As Integer, TBindexTarget As
The LinkAdd
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
TBindexSource |
A numeric
expression for the source time block array index |
TBindexTarget |
A numeric
expression for the target time block array index |
> 0 - Add was successful (returns the link index)
= 0 - Add failed (an error occurred while adding
this link)
This method adds
the links without displaying them (use the LinkShow method for this purpose).
Before using this method remember that you must have loaded the specified time
The logical
links loaded by this method are used by the scheduling method (SchRun) to
consider the correct allocation of successors/predecessors.
GanttLink property, LinkClear method, LinkHide method, LinkShow method
This method deletes
the logical links of the specified existing time block in the Scheduler Pro Control
object .
([Index As
Integer ])
The LinkClear
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
Index |
A numeric
expression for the index of the time block array . |
> 0 - Clear was successful (returns the deleted link
= 0 - Clear failed (an error occurred while deleting
this links)
If Index=0 (or not specified) then all the
existing links are deleted.
GanttLink property, LinkAdd
method, LinkHide
method, LinkShow
This method hides
(does not display the arrows, but it keeps in memory the logical links) the
logical links in the Scheduler Pro Control object .
([Index As
Integer ])
The LinkHide
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
Index |
0 |
> 0 - Hide was successful
= 0 - Hide failed (an error occurred while deleting
this links)
If Index=0 (or not specified) then all the
existing links are hidden.
GanttLink property, LinkAdd
method, LinkClear
method, LinkShow
This method displays
the logical links of the specified existing time block in the Scheduler Pro Control
object .
([Index As
Integer ])
The LinkShow
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
Index |
A numeric
expression for the index of the time block array . |
> 0 - Show was successful (returns the dispayed
link index)
= 0 - Show failed (an error occurred while displaying
this links)
If Index=0 (or not specified) then all the
existing links are displayed.
If the link is
logical (forward) then is displayed in blue color, otherwise (backward) in red
GanttLink property, LinkAdd
method, LinkHide
method, LinkClear
This method refereshes
the tooltip text of the specified existing time block in the Scheduler Pro Control
object .
([Index As
Integer ])
The ToolTipRefresh
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
Index |
A numeric
expression for the index of the time block array . |
> 0 - Refresh was successful (returns the time block
= 0 - Refresh failed (an error occurred while refreshing)
Useful to
refresh the time blocks where some parameters have been changed
programmatically with the time block properties (methods or manual
drag&drop update automatically the tooltip text).
This method displays
the tooltip of the specified existing time block in the Scheduler Pro Control
object .
ScProOCX.TbToolTip ( Index As Integer [, Hide as boolean ]) as integer
The TbToolTip
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
Index |
A numeric
expression for the index of the time block array . |
Hide |
required action (boolean): optional, default False (False shows the tooltip,
True hides the tooltip) |
> 0 - Display was successful (returns the time
block index)
= 0 - Display failed (an error occurred while refreshing)
Useful to
display the time block tooltip when an specified event occurs .
Fires when a
mouse click occurs in the time block.
Syntax (Visual
Private Sub ScProOCX1_TbClick (index As Integer, button
As Integer)
The TbClick
event has these parts:
Part |
Description |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of the time block. |
button |
A numeric
expression for the mouse button (1 left, 2 right) |
The sequence
of ScPro Control is
See Also
TbDblClick, TbBeforeDrag, TbBeforeDrop
Fires when a double
mouse click occurs in the time block.
Syntax (Visual
Private Sub ScProOCX1_TbDblClick(index As Integer)
The TbDblClick
event has these parts:
Part |
Description |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of the time block. |
The sequence
of ScPro Control is
See Also
TbClick, TbBeforeDrag, TbBeforeDrop
Fires when the
manual drag&drop of a time block starts.
Syntax (Visual
Private Sub ScProOCX1_TbBeforeDrag (index As Integer, Abort
As Boolean)
The TbBeforeDrag
event has these parts:
Part |
Description |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of the time block. |
Abort |
A boolean
expression to abort (1) or confirm (0) the drag action. |
The sequence
of ScPro Control is
See Also
TbClick, TbDblClick, TbBeforeDrag, TbBeforeDrop
Fires when the
manual drag&drop of a time block starts.
Syntax (Visual
Private Sub ScProOCX1_TbBeforeDrop (index As Integer, Abort
As Boolean)
The TbBeforeDrop
event has these parts:
Part |
Description |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of the time block. |
Abort |
A boolean
expression to abort (1) or confirm (0) the drop action. |
The sequence
of ScPro Control is
See Also
TbClick, TbDblClick, TbBeforeDrag
Fires when a
mouse click occurs in the block link.
Syntax (Visual
Private Sub ScProOCX1_LinkClick (index As Integer, IndexSource
As Integer, IndexTarget As Integer)
The LinkClick
event has these parts:
Part |
Description |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of the time block. |
IndexSource |
A numeric
expression for the array index of the source block |
IndexTarget |
A numeric
expression for the array index of the target block |
The sequence
of ScPro Control is
See Also
Fires when a
mouse double click occurs in the block link.
Syntax (Visual
Private Sub ScProOCX1_LinkDblClick (index As Integer, IndexSource
As Integer, IndexTarget As Integer)
The LinkDblClick
event has these parts:
Part |
Description |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of the time block. |
IndexSource |
A numeric
expression for the array index of the source block |
IndexTarget |
A numeric
expression for the array index of the target block |
The sequence
of ScPro Control is
See Also
Fires when the
manual drag&drop of a time block ends.
Syntax (Visual
Private Sub ScProOCX1_TbAfterDrop (index As Integer)
The TbAfterDrop event has these parts:
Part |
Description |
index |
A numeric
expression of the index of the time block. |
The sequence
of ScPro Control is
See Also
TbClick, TbDblClick, TbBeforeDrag, TbBeforeDrop
The following
routines are used for the Scheduler
(Sch) management in the Scheduler Pro Control object: the embedded algorithm uses forward and finite capacity scheduling using
up to 5 user variables. Sequencing of time blocks connected by logical
links and sequencing to match time block setups is also provided.
Sets or
returns the logical weight of the corresponding scheduling variables (n°5).
ScProOCX.SchBook [ = value ] : weight of the booking date
variable (see TbBook)
ScProOCX.SchEnd [ = value
] : weight of the delivery date variable (see TbEnd)
ScProOCX.SchLevel [ = value
] : weight of the importance level variable (see TbLevel)
ScProOCX.SchSetUp [ = value
] : weight of the setup sequencing variable (see TbSetUp)
ScProOCX.SchUrgency [ = value ] : weight of the
urgency variable (see TbUrgency)
The property
has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
value |
A positive numeric
expression (integer) for the logical weigth to be assigned to the corresponding
scheduling variable |
If the
property is set to 0, the corresponding variable will not be considered when
scheduling (see SchRun method).
Every property
has a default value that can be customized
by the user at design and run time.
Usually the
logical properties are set to a value in the range form 0 to 100, but it is not
The greater is
the property value, the greater will be the consideration of the corresponding variable
when scheduling.
Consider that
is very important the value difference between the different logical
properties: for example if the delivery date is your heighest priority you
should set the corresponding weigth the heigher value (say 100) and the other
logical properties to a lower value (such as
60 or even lower).
Remember that
if you set the logical properties to very different values (such as 100 and 1),
your scheduling will most likely look
like a simple time block reordering according to the enabled variables.
See Also
Sets or
returns the scheduling mode .
[ = action ]
The SchMode
property has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
action |
An integer
expression that sets the scheduling. The action value is set by adding
the below numbers to get the desired behaviour. |
settings for action are:
action |
Description |
0 |
The TbAdd
method adds, allocates and displays the time blocks (default manual mode) |
1 |
The TbAdd
method adds the time blocks without allocating/displaying them (scheduling
mode: after adding the time blocks it is necessary to use the SchRun method
for allocating/displaying them) |
The default action is 0.
If you have
added some time blocks in scheduling mode (action =1) you cannot add or delete
a time block or display the logic links (LinkShow method) until you schedule
(SchRun method) or clear all the time blocks (TbClear).
The SchRun
method automatically sets this property to 0 after scheduling.
See Also
This method (available only in
Pro Edition ) schedules all the loaded time blocks (with the TbAdd
method according to the SchMode property) considering up to 5 variables in the
Scheduler Pro Control object . Now much
faster (3x)!!!!
( [mode As integer])
The SchRun
method has these parts:
Part |
Description |
ScProOCX |
An object
expression that evaluates the Scheduler Pro Control object. |
mode |
An integer
numeric expression for the algorithm mode (future developments) |
> 0 - Scheduling was successful
= 0 - Scheduling failed (an error occurred while scheduling)
Note: during
processing a progress box is shown in the ocx window
This method
behaves according to the GantMode, ResMode (>1 for finite capacity
scheduling), GanttWin (setting of time window to consider for scheduling) and
GanttBalance (load balancing on resources of the same group) properties.
The scheduling
algorithm (forward scheduling) considers the following:
time blocks added with the TbAdd method (regardless of the SchMode property)
logical links added with LinkAdd method (block logical sequences: for example
if you have some blocks to be executed in sequence, the algorithm will allocate
them in order to satisfy the sequence)
scheduler logical properties (SchBook, SchEnd, SchLevel, SchSetUp, SchUrgency)
time block scheduling variables (TbBook, TbEnd, TbLevel, TbSetUp, TbUrgency)
time block lock date: if it is possible it is satisfied
time block description (TbDesc): it allocates the time blocks with the same
scheduling weight (calculated by the algorithm) in order of description
the GanttBalance property is >0 then it balances the scheduled load on the
resources of the same group
The SchRun
method automatically sets the SchMode
property to 0 after scheduling (in order to enable the manual mode)
The SchRun
method automatically shows the logical links (Showlink method) after scheduling
if the GanttLink property is set to 1.
How to
You should
follow the following steps:
the SchMode to 1
the scheduler logical properties (SchBook, SchEnd, SchLevel, SchSetUp,
any missing time block using the TbAdd method: set the scheduling
variables (TbBook, TbEnd, TbLevel,
TbSetUp, TbUrgency) of every time block if needed (they all get a default
any required link between the time blocks (AddLink)
the SchRun method: this method requires some time to process all the time
blocks (it can take from some seconds to some minutes, dipending on the number
of time blocks and links)
to check the return value of this method: ScRun may fail to schedule time
blocks that have no solution (no room to fit them on the resource considering
the assigned Gantt time interval)
TbAdd method, SchMode property, Scheduler logical properties, TbBook
property , TbEnd property, TbLevel
property, TbSetUp property, TbUrgency property